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Families who were already struggling financially have been hit hard. So have many who were stable prior to the crisis. Options for recent high school and college graduates look bleak.

Loneliness, fear of the unknown, and financial stress are creating a mental health crisis. Early studies show young singles have been hit the hardest.

Especially with added stress and financial strain, already-vulnerable children are even more vulnerable to neglect and abuse. With support, many families in crisis can be stabilized.

Whether or not schools are able to offer in-person options, every parent will likely be forced to bear a big educational burden. That's hard on everyone but especially single parents, grocery store employees, and children that were already behind.

Staying physically healthy is a concern for all of us. Certain populations are at a disadvantage for various reasons, but we can help level the odds.

How can I help?

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DFW was already very racially divided and inequitable before COVID. All of us have to remain vigilant if we're going to stop these gaps from widening. Thankfully, there are a lot of resources to help. 

Click HERE for more opportunities to volunteer!

Click HERE to learn about our virtual Cost of COVID Experience. This 90-minute interactive event will help you understand how and why COVID is impacting every aspect of human flourishing and what you can do to help.

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