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Walk in the shoes of a low-income neighbor at an upcoming Poverty Simulation or host one for your company.


Access Prayer Guides specific to the needs of Greater Dallas.


City transformation isn't JUST about what we do with our extra time & money. Think about your 9-5 time, skills, and influence might be used to impact the city.

  1. Consider getting involved in one of the collaborative discussions about a need or community you care about. We need your perspective!

  2. Click HERE for a list of local nonprofits discipling workplace Christians.

  3. What if we started thinking outside-the-box about how our 9-5 time, skills & influence could be aligned with the strategies being created to transform Education, Poverty, and our communities?

  1. You can help build leadership capacity of a best-practice nonprofit.

  2. Unite can consult with you to develop a Corporate Volunteer Program that aligns with proven strategies.

  3. Unite can help you connect your company/church/organization with an at-risk school.


Encourage your church, organization, or company to join the coordinated effort.


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