COVID-19 Resources
News Articles
Generosity & Giving
10 Ideas for Church Financial Leaders - Tips for safely handle physical bills, donation reminders, and more.
Stewardship & Giving Through Crisis - Practical ways to take offering.
Speaking Positively about Generosity - Five key points for churches on generosity during COVID-19.
Reaching Three Types of Online Givers - Is online giving enough for continuous, faithful giving?
7 Practical Steps for Going Digital - Insight on what you and your team can be doing to make the transition to digital easier.
Offering Moment Templates - Examples for addressing the offering in your online services.
CARES Act Articles
An Overview of the CARES Act for Churches - Key highlights of the government's stimulus plan.
The CARES Act & Your Church Staff - What you need to know and four steps to take now.
How the Economic Stimulus Bill Affects Churches and Non-Profits - Insight on the CARES act and your congregation.
COVID-19 and NCRC Research Live Webinars - List of upcoming trainings.
Built for Texas (Impact on Non-Profits) - FAQ for non-profits affected during COVID-19.
Resources in Spanish
Plan De Acción Para Iglesias Latinas - COVID-19 información.
Personal Life
Marriage in the COVID Crisis - Will marriage be the next victim of COVID-19?