While Unite is not a membership organization per se, we are able to provide benefits to Unite church partners who invest $2,500+ a year on top of what you might pay for our services. If you take full advantage of those services, your contribution actually pays for itself! Here's what's included:
These highly consultative relationships feature an annual check-up including:
1. A By Design Assessment to determine your church's current capacity and interests.
2. A community asset and needs assessment.
3. Any tweaks that need to be made in your community engagement strategy.
This check-up will also reveal your best next steps including:

Discounts on COPE, Chalmers resources, TBRI, Project Unity events, and other partner trainings for adults and youth.

Free or discounted access to CarePortal, HelpFinder, Vomo, BookNook, and more.

Special access to Interchange for Church Leaders, City Convene, partner events, issue- and community-based opportunities, and exclusive VIP events. This also includes connections to churches, nonprofits, schools, or others based on your chosen strategy.

The main difference in benefits for "High Impact" churches (contributing $10,000 per year or more) and "Invested" churches (contributing $2,500-$10,000 per year) is the frequency and formality of the consultation. Churches typically invest at this level because of the benefit to the collective Church as opposed to their own church.
Email today to get engaged!